Welcome to The Court

This site, in particular, is meant to serve as a resource for residents of The Court! As such, there will be a calendar, featuring upcoming events, as well as noting the times when the office is staffed. There will also be opportunity for all residents to participate in the site by writing blog items regarding life in The Court, or some of the programs and events that are held here.
Located in Dartmouth, Adsum Court is a long-term supportive housing option that consists of 23 independent living units or apartments. Women living at Adsum Court contribute to their rent, which covers the cost of building maintenance and mortgage payments.
A 24th unit functions as an office and Adsum staff are on-site approximately 20 hours a week to provide advocacy, referrals, group programming and individual supportive counseling. Residents of Adsum Court are encouraged to drop by Adsum House for meals and to access other support programs.
This site is created and maintained by Adsum Court resident, Mary M.